Monday, July 13, 2015

Sights and Moments - July 13

Many moments today.

--Raja and Sita had their usual argument about tea today. He claims that it has not been as good the past few days. Sita, who makes the tea, disagrees. So they'll argue in Tamil. He keeps his voice down pretty quiet, but Sita raises hers. Ha, Sita is so sweet, but she can change in a second!

The argument usually ends with Sita pointing to all the other people in the office drinking their tea without complaint, saying how they all like it. Of course, this is all in Tamil, so I'm inferring her words, but she does point to everyone. Then she'll nod to me.

"Naal arukah?" She'll ask me. Do you like it?

I nod my head. "Naan arukuh." I like it. In my opinion Sita makes the best tea.

Then she'll look at Raja as if to say, "See, she likes it."

Then Raja will just look at me, shake his head, and give up the argument.

This has happened for the past two or three days. All the same process.

I wish I could write down every interaction in the office. I love everyone. They are all so funny.

--Another office moment. Raja loves Arnold Schwarzenegger. So he, Stephane, and I agreed that Arnold will be the next "Chief Minister" of Pondicherry.

Stephane, Tamil, and I will get on a roll with our jokes; Tamil and Raja love it. A common one is labeling all of us as certain siblings in Tamil culture. Older brother. Older sister. Young sister. Younger brother. Then we'll go around telling all the older people they are our little siblings, and then just telling Tamil he is something random, like a monkey. Korangaal. Everyone thinks that is so funny.

Until Tamil starts labeling all the women as his x number of wife. "First wife. Second wife. Third wife." Then I just get mad.

--Went to the temple with Lakshmi and Sundhari today. Actually, I came home from town to find that Lakshmi was gone (you can always tell when someone is or isn't home base on whether or not their shoes are outside the door). The only other place she goes is the temple, so I went there and met her.

--I let Lakshmi and Sundhari play dress-up, with me as the victim. I knew this would happen for a while; they've been talking about it for a long time. So they got out their saris, flowers, necklaces, and everything else. Dressed me up and took pictures.

Overall, I was tired and wanting to go into my room and bar the door shut in order to obtain some me-time. But, Sundhari was so happy about this. And since her son committed suicide in April, and I see her crying everyday, I know she needed some happiness.

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